
Where I landed after the RIF 6/05

It's been just over a year since my departure from SUN. While at SUN I worked in Sun Services; first as an SSE, then an RSSE and finally an ASSE. I was hired by a great reseller that focuses on SUN hardware and solutions; Laurus Technologies. I work in the pre-sales side of things now (so no more pager).

I finished up my part of the RFP that I was working on and it has been submitted. I still work with a lot of the customers that I had previously dealt with while at SUN.

Thursday Bike ride: The weather was great, and about 10 people showed up. We took the Glacial Drumlin trail from Waukesha to Dousman and back, (the paved segment of the trail - about a 28 mile round trip) with our usual rest stop at the Bike Doctor in Dousman.

One last thing, a Shout Out to Leo Laporte, Thanks for TWIT. I miss the old TechTV; Screen Savers and Call for Help shows, but the podcasts at TWIT have filled that gap. The "Thank You" is for turning me on to Instructables, it was mentioned in one of his podcasts and since then I've posted four different projects, one of which got an Outstanding project of the month, for which I received a free tee shirt and a Nikon digital camera.

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